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7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Arabic Coffee

Arabic coffee, or Qahwa, is a traditional drink from the Middle East. It is one of the most popular beverages in the Arab world. The drink is vino-colored and is usually served with dates in a small ornamented cup. Known as Kahwa Tea, the beverage has a unique taste but more than that, it is known for its amazing health benefits. 

Health Benefits Of Arabic Coffee

About Arabic Coffee

About Arabic Coffee
About Arabic Coffee

The beans are grounded, roasted, brewed, and served to guests right in front of them. The beans are not filtered but boiled. The coffee is made black generally, sugar is not added as an integral part of the Bedouin tradition. It is served with either dates, nuts, or dried fruits to compensate for the bitter taste.

Usually, serving Qahwa is a ceremony and customary practice during events like Eid and Ramadan.

Health Benefits of Arabic Coffee

Qahwa consists of nutrients like saffron, walnuts, cardamom, honey, almonds, etc., and when consumed with dates, it becomes extra healthy. The coffee beans of Qahwa have anti-inflammatory properties and other nutritional elements.

While daily healthy meals are crucial to keep fit physically and mentally, consuming Arabic coffee in the morning helps energize and keep the body and mind vibrant for the entire day. It has zero fats and calories and a small percentage of proteins.

These are seven ways that the body benefits from drinking Qahwa.

It is Great Energy Booster

It is Great Energy Booster
It is Great Energy Booster

While Qahwa has negligible calories and fats, it is still a good source of energy because of its caffeine content. Consuming in the morning helps remove sleepiness and fatigue, immediately energizing the mind and body.

Caffeine, when absorbed in the bloodstream, reaches the brain quickly and helps block adenosine receptors, inhibitory neurotransmitters responsible for inducing sleep.

Besides this, consuming Qahwa is a great way to stay hydrated. It is because the beverage contains minimum sodium. Drinks that are high in sodium content cause dehydration easily. 

Good For the Cardiovascular System

Good For the Cardiovascular System
Good For the Cardiovascular System

Qahwa is rich in potassium but low in sodium. It contains about 3% potassium, which helps maintain the heart’s health while ensuring the blood pressure is controlled. Studies indicate a potassium-rich diet can significantly cut systolic blood pressure by almost 10 points.

Nutritionists also point out that diets containing lower cholesterol are usually high in potassium. Lastly, this mineral is essential to maintain a healthy heartbeat. 

Another essential nutrient that Qahwa contains is magnesium. About 2% of the drink is magnesium, which is responsible for carrying electrolytes like potassium and calcium into the cardiovascular cells helping maintain a healthy heart rhythm. 

The presence of cardamom helps detoxify the bloodstream boosting the health of the circulatory system. Kahwa is also extremely good for helping maintain blood sugar levels. Another added advantage of drinking Kahwa is that it prevents cholesterol buildup in veins and arteries. 

Boosting Immunity

Boosting Immunity
Boosting Immunity

One of the ways Arabic coffee helps the body is by strengthening the immune system. One of the key ingredients in Qahwa is saffron, which is rich in Vitamin B12. This micronutrient plays a highly crucial role in cellular-level immunity.

Vitamin B12 is an immunomodulator that promotes the development of red blood cells, balancing immune responses, especially to viral and seasonal infections. 

Additionally, this beverage is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. Therefore, the drink is anti-inflammatory by nature. Arabic Kahwa is also a good source of riboflavin or vitamin B2. The antioxidating nature of riboflavin further makes the immunity system stronger while ensuring healthy skin and hair.

Good For Metabolism

Good For Metabolism
Good For Metabolism

In contrast to regular morning hot beverages like tea and coffee, Qahwa is non-acidic and, therefore, does not cause any harm to the gut. On the contrary, Arabic coffee helps burn fat with an enhanced rate of fat oxidation.

Consequently, regular consumption of this Middle-Eastern beverage help cleanses the gut, which in turn normalizes the metabolism rate. In addition, digestive issues like constipation can be healed by drinking Arabic coffee. 

Reduced Risks of Parkinson’s Disease

Reduced Risks of Parkinson’s Disease
Reduced Risks of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s is a mental condition that is primarily diagnosed in older adults. It happens because the nerves are affected and lose their natural functioning. As a result, the affected person suffers from poor motor coordination. In severe cases, the person can lose their memory. With growing age, the condition gets worse.

Quick Fact: Arabic coffee contains micronutrients that enhance the body’s resistance to germs and diseases, including Parkinson’s. A study report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science mentions that the caffeine present in coffee beans can reduce the risks of Parkinson’s.

Another compound present in the coating of coffee beans alongside caffeine may work therapeutically on the brain cells to slow down degeneration.

A Stress Buster

A Stress Buster
A Stress Buster

Stress and depression affect the daily lives of innumerable people. Arabic coffee has nutrients that help elevate moods. As a result, regular drinkers are more likely to stay happy and depression-free. This is supported by a few studies conducted to understand caffeine’s effect on stress levels.

It has been found that women can have 10 to 20% less stress levels by consuming about 4 cups of coffee every day. 

Micronutrients in Arabic coffee are also known to help detoxify the bloodstream from pollutants. As a result, the body’s anti-oxidant levels increase, stimulating the energy levels. In addition, the release of feel-good chemicals by the brain, like serotonin, oxytocin, or endorphins, has also been observed with the consumption of coffee.

All of these chemicals increase the excitement and happiness levels in the body.

Good For A Glowing Skin

Good For A Glowing Skin
Good For A Glowing Skin

Since Arabic coffee is a good source of antioxidants, regular consumption can help with skin conditions like skin dryness, itchiness, acne, etc. The almonds and nuts add glow to the skin by keeping it moisturized. The natural sheen comes from the nourishment that the skin receives when antioxidants eliminate free radicals.


95% of Arabic Qahwa is water. Therefore, consumption of the beverage helps reduce fat and assists in weight loss. Moreover, it is filled with essential minerals and micronutrients. Consequently, it is a better alternative than sugary juices, soda-filled soft drinks, and creamy drinks.

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About David Dewitt

Hi, my name is David and I come from Columbus, Ohio. I am a amateur photographer, and a coffee lover. I love to write, and don't mind me a cup of joe!