Javapresse is a manual coffee grinder that will provide you with a fantastic and easy grind. This is one of the most popular manual coffee grinders on the market today, and the Javapresse grinder will allow you to grind coffee with no stress!
Javapresse Manual Coffee Grinder Review – Manual Burr Grinder Reviews
Here we have the number #1 best selling manual coffee grinder on Amazon, with over 10,000 reviews and a rating of 4.3 out of 5, this is a coffee grinder that is verified to be a top-quality coffee grinder.
If you’re a beginner coffee grinder and haven’t grinded coffee before, this is a great option. If you are looking for an everyday coffee grinder that will grind your coffee quickly, this is the grinder for you. This grinder has over 18 settings to ensure you have 100% precision & control over your coffee beans, allowing you to grind your coffee beans exactly how you want!
The thing that amazed us about this coffee grinder was how easy it was to use. The hand crank mechanism is so light and comfortable. This grinder uses no power or annoying power cords, allowing to be portable and, by far, is the easiest coffee grinder on the market. When we bought this coffee grinder, we also received a free bag of whole bean coffee ($21.99 value), which really was an amazing bonus, so thank you, java presse!
Here at TheCozyCoffee, we have been using this coffee grinder for months, and it hasn’t had any problems. The blades last very long and only have a few scratches after all this time! JavaPresse has proven with this product to be a leader in the coffee industry, and if you’re looking for a cheap, and easy to use coffee grinder this is the coffee grinder for you!
Electric vs. Manual – JavaPresse Coffee Grinder
You may be wondering, what’s the difference between electric coffee grinders and manual coffee grinders, and wouldn’t it be easier to use an electric coffee grinder? Well, there are some pros and cons to both.
Electric Grinders are much more expensive than manual grinders, electric burr grinders are also very, very loud in the mornings and that’s definitely not what you want to here in the morning. Electric Grinders will also break down much quicker than manual grinders. Even though it may be easier to grind with electric, manual definitely is much more realistic and easy to use.
Manual grinders are much more efficient as they are quiet in the mornings, and manual grinders a much more durable, and portable meaning you can bring your grinder wherever! Manual grinders are also much less expensive, perfect for anyone looking for something cheap and easy! Also, it might seem like a joke, but manual grinding will increase your arm muscles and grow endurance, so think of it as a morning workout!
Overall, we believe manual grinders provide a much better overall coffee experience.
Javapresse Manual Coffee Grinder Settings
The Javapresse has a wide range of manual settings you can change to get the perfect brew. We get lot’s of question on our social media on what the best settings for Javapresse actually is, so we will put our settings here available for anyone.
As a guideline, these are good settings, obviously depending on what you like you can change the settings.
To grind the coffee, it will take around 50 seconds for a coarse; for a fine grind, it will 75 – 80 seconds for a fine grind.
On The Javapresse there is an adjustment knob, to dial the grind you have to remove the bottom grind reservoir and tighten it as much as possible, now when you loosen the knob count the clicks as you turn it. Every click represents the grind size, so now you can select your grind size.
If you’re looking for a french press or Pour Over, set it on 3-4 clicks. If you’re looking for an Aeropress set in on two clicks. If you’re looking for an espresso set in on 0-1 clicks.
The only negative about this the Javapresse manual coffee grinder is that it is quite slow to grind compared to others.
Price Of Javapressee Coffee Grinder
One of the biggest pull factors of this manual coffee grinder is the low, low price. The price of the Javapresse coffee grinder is so low for the quality you receive. For the quality and durability of the machine, it really is a bargain.
Remember, when you buy this coffee grinder, you also receive a full bag of free whole bean coffee, making this deal even sweeter. Honestly, the price is so amazing for the quality you receive!
Javapresse Coffee Grinder Performance
One of the most important things to think about before buying a coffee grinder is the actual performance of the coffee grinder. For a manual grinder, it does grind the beans quite well.
The best part of this coffee grinder is the sound it makes, you ready? Nothing. Yes, this coffee grinder makes 0 noise.
Instead of the loud roaring noise of an electric coffee grinder, you can the peaceful noise of the birds chirping in the morning. Honestly, you can barely hear the coffee being ground. Javapresse claims that their grinder is 90% quieter than electric coffee grinders, and we can testify to that!
The blades inside the Javapresse are also sharp and stainless, allowing them to easily go through coffee and grind it up efficiently. It does take a little longer to grind. But, the more effort you put, the quicker it will be done!
Overall this coffee grind is quiet and also grinds efficiently compared to others on the market!
We aren’t going to sugar coat this review like many others, and we are going to tell you some of the cons of this product, every product has its cons! One con we found is that if you’re looking to grind mass beans, that really is possible due to the size and speed of the grinder.
This is more of one cup of the coffee grinder and will grind enough in the morning, but not enough for a whole table of people. The only con we found is that the handle would keep slipping off you cranked too hard so that you couldn’t grind the coffee too hard.
Other than that, we found this coffee grinder to be great!
If you’re looking for an easy to use, portable and quiet coffee grinder, this is the coffee grinder for you! Despite a few cons, this coffee grinder does provide an overall great coffee experience and will allow you to grind up coffee beans with ease and efficiency. We definitely recommend this coffee machine for anyone looking for an everyday coffee machine! If you’re looking for more guides, we have the Smallest Keurig guide and Costa Rican coffee guide!