The roasting of the coffee can develop many notes that depend on the time of the process of exposing the bean to heat by roasting. Dark roasted coffee is the roasted bean at a high level with a strong body, with a high presence of bitter notes. This type of dark roasted coffee is used for espresso for its dark color and strong flavor. In the end. it is a coffee that burns the caffeine due to the prolonged roasting time, and in the end. you get a decaffeinated coffee, unlike another lighter roast bean. Dark roast coffee is the most appreciated for its intense flavor and body.
Dark roasted coffee is appreciated for its intense dark brown color which, when purchased due to its exposure to roasting, loses acidity. In dark roasted coffee, it acquires that intense color of very remarkable brilliance due to the fact that during the roasting process it gives off essential oils, which is why the brighter the coffee bean, the greater the roast.
Dark roasted coffee occurs in the French roast and Italian roast types:
The French roast: This roast is obtained after the sugar of the beans begins to caramelize, in a type of long roast to obtain a very dark and shiny coffee. Obtaining an intense aroma and smoked flavor. This roast is of a long type that displays the presence of oils that make it a semi moist roast, this French roast is characterized by having a much more lasting flavor on the palate.
The Italian roast: This style of roasting is normally used for coffees that will be prepared in espresso machines, the roast used gives a very dark color due to the high degree of roasting that the essential oils extract This roast is low in caffeine from very dark grains, which become oily and shiny due to caramelization. This type of roasting is usually used in Mediterranean countries such as Spain. Italy, or Portugal, and characterized by being the creamiest roasting, which enhances the intensity of flavor as well as the body. This type of roasting reduces complex floral flavors and acidity, enhancing its bitterness.
It is important to know that dark roasted coffee should not be confused with burnt coffee, in many cases, you come to believe or perceive that
Roast coffee as good quality coffee reveals notes of chocolate of cocoa beans. The sensation in the mouth increases and shows bitter notes due to caramelization.
When obtaining a dark roasted coffee it not only changes in flavor, it also changes the texture of the coffee due to exposure to higher temperatures, it becomes porous and more soluble. In this type of roasting, it is difficult to know the type and origin of the beans used.
To achieve a dark roast without burning, the aspect of the coffee bean is considered, if a coffee bean is large, work with a lower temperature to obtain an even roasted coffee, as well as if the bean has closed groove it is because it is denser and will need less temperature if we rush the roasting process it can produce a scorching, burning the grain only on the outside. Observe the color at the time of roasting, stirring constantly so that the brand is toasted evenly. Once the dark roast that we want is achieved, without burning the coffee bean, it can be packed in 24 to 72 hours and use vacuum packaging so that the precious roasted coffee does not lose its aroma. Since coffee can suffer and vary constantly due to environmental changes, the humidity and temperature must be considered on the day of roasting to control the final result.
What is dark roasted coffee?
Dark roasted coffee is the coffee obtained through greater exposure to high temperatures, in a careful way without burning it. obtaining that peculiar and strong aroma that characterizes it and for which it is the most appreciated for its flavor of chocolate. This coffee is used in espresso coffee shops for its aroma and easy handling because it is very soluble and can be combined with different spices to please different tastes because it is ideal for preparing dairy-based beverages as is the roast used for roast gourmet coffee.